U.S. Presidential Election Risk Advisory


U.S. Presidential Election Risk Advisory

With the upcoming U.S. Presidential Election on November 5th, 2024, Trive International is dedicated to protecting our clients and ensuring stable operations amid expected market volatility.


Key Points:

Current Margin Requirements: At present, margin requirements remain unchanged. However, additional risk measures may be introduced on short notice if market conditions become extreme.

    Potential Risks During Election Period:

    Spreads: Spreads may widen significantly, impacting trading costs.
    Liquidity: Reduced liquidity access by providers may increase slippage and impact execution levels.
    Volatility: Election-related news may drive sharp market reactions, increasing volatility.


    Possible Risk Management Actions:

    • Margin Adjustments: To protect client equity and manage exposure, margin requirements on certain instruments may be increased. This may include higher margins on hedged positions to counter liquidity risks.
    • Close-Only Status: Certain instruments may be restricted to close-only mode during periods of low liquidity and high volatility to limit exposure.


    Communication of Changes: We will endeavor to notify you in advance of any adjustments via email and through the mailbox section of your MT4 and MT5 platforms.


    For any questions or support, please contact us at support_int@trive.com.



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